Friday, May 27, 2011

Cuts of Fish

FilletSide of Salmona fillet is a boneless cut such as a side of Salmon or a fillet of soleFillet of Sole
Paupietteis a stuffed roll of fillet
Salmon Paupiette
SupremeA supreme is a slice cut off a fillet, sometimes cut at a slantThis cut is now commonly called a pavéwhich means 'a slab or block' and usually applied to cake or dessert - but now is fashionably applied to fish!
Cravatteis a fillet tied in a knot
Darneis a cut of steak of round fish cut on the bone
Deliceis a neatly folded fillet
a strip of fillet usually pané (floured, eggwashed and breadcrumbed)

En Tressea platted fillet
en tresse

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